dentist holding teeth model and explaining root canal treatment procedure to patient

Root Canal Therapy in Richmond Hill, ON

Are you experiencing sudden, sharp, and constant pain in a tooth? If so, there’s a good chance that the tooth’s pulp is infected. Although a diagnosis will require an examination and X-rays from a dentist in Richmond Hill, ON at Mackenzie Smiles Dentistry, there’s a high probability that root canal therapy near you may be required to eliminate the painful infection. Without treatment, the infection will continue to worsen. Rather than taking risks with worsening infections and increasing pain, we invite you to book an appointment with our dentist for diagnosis and treatment.

A Common Myth About Root Canal Therapy 

Because many patients are experiencing pain when they require root canal therapy, there’s a myth surrounding the procedure that it is painful when in fact, the treatment is performed to eliminate pain. Although the procedure can require an extended appointment period time-wise, many patients report that the actual treatment was no more uncomfortable than a routine dental filling. Dr. Oscar Mousavi is committed to provide quality dental care during all treatment protocols and provides sedation dentistry in Richmond Hill, ON to ensure your comfort if dental anxiety is a concern. When you visit us for your root canal consultation, Dr. Oscar Mousavi may prescribe antibiotics ahead of your treatment to help lessen the pain you are currently experiencing and reduce the level of infection before the procedure begins.

Alternate Treatment Options 

Unfortunately, the only alternative treatment for an infected tooth is to remove the tooth. Although this may sound like a difficult option to some, it’s important to remember that having a tooth extracted requires tooth replacement to ensure optimum oral health. Tooth replacement can be a more complicated and time-intensive experience than root canal therapy. One of our over-arching goals at Mackenzie Smiles Dentistry is to help our patients retain their natural teeth for a lifetime. We’ll provide you with all treatment options ahead of performing any procedure so you can choose what’s best for you.

Get Relief from Your Dental Pain Today 

Rather than continuing to live with dental pain from an infected tooth, we invite you to book an appointment with Dr. Oscar Mousavi for our first available root canal consultation.